Manly's policy on regrade requests/questions on exams

As much as I would like to discuss each exam problem with each of you individually, I do not have the available time in which to do that.  If you have a question or a gripe concerning a recent exam, please consider the following before you contact me:

1)  I would like you to look over the solutions and make sure you understand the correct solution to each problem that is bothering you.

2)  If you are unable to understand the solution, seek help from the textbook, a friend or me.  This is part of the learning process in the course.  Under such circumstances, I am happy to find a time where we can meet and discuss the physics that you don't understand.

3)  Once you understand the solution, look at what you did and consider to what extent your solution really gets at the essential physics that is covered in the problem.  We try to give appropriate partial credit. 

4)  Honest mistakes are made.  Sometimes the partial credit given is inappropriate because the grader missed something or because they chose to grade a particular problem consistently harsh or easy.  We work to avoid the latter, but sometimes it happens.  Sometimes there is a simple addition mistake in totaling the score.  The graders comments do not always lead to a complete picture of why you are losing points.  The intent is to provide that information, but the grader is going through a stack of 150-200 exams and sometimes the comments are incomplete.

5)  At this point, if you are convinced that a mistake was made or that the partial credit given is egregiously in error, then write a note to me on the front of the exam describing what you want me to re-examine and why.  Then hand your exam to me, put it in my B&L mailbox or slip it under my office door (B&L 203E).  I will look it over and make changes in the spreadsheet as appropriate.   I will also write a note on the exam telling you what I did and put it in the box outside my door.

6)  I find, in general, that roughly 50% of the requests require a grade change of some sort.  Of those that are not changed, usually the student actually does not understand the problem or the solution and that is obvious from their work and the regrade request.  Other times the student is requesting that I fine-tune the partial credit.  I am always reluctant to do that because I want to keep the consistency in the grading.  It's okay if a problem is graded harshly, so long as it is done consistently.  Harsh grading loses evaluational effectiveness.   So, I work with the TA's to avoid it before the fact.  But after the grading has taken place, I am reluctant to change the partial credit given unless I feel it is very inappropriate.

7)  After all is said and done and you've read my note(s) back to you and thought about it, if you still disagree with my handling of your request, I am happy to meet with you to discuss it.