Addendum to spring 2000 P114 syllabus:

You WILL be allowed to use your drop for half the final exam. That is to say, if it works out to be numerically in your favor, I will fold in each of your four exams and your final counted as one exam (not two) for the evaluation of your final average. This will help those who plan to catch a cold for the final or who do not perform so well on cumulative exams. Taking the final is not optional.


OPTIONAL way to earn points:

On the Thursday before each of the four exams during the semester and the last day of class you can submit to me a problem plus solution (neatly written up) that you think is appropriate for the upcoming exam. If the problem is reasonable, i.e., not obviously inappropriate or a joke, I will give you two extra points on the upcoming exam. If I use that problem in class, in a review session, or on the exam, I will give you one additional point. Problems will be used anonymously. However, to receive points, you must put your name on the problems you submit. Only one problem can be submitted per student per exam for extra points. If you wish to submit more than one, feel free.