Grade distribution for exam 1 - P113, Fall 2000

mean grades:  P1 = 17/20, P2=17/20, P3=18/20, P4=17/20, P5=15/20

total mean = 84/100

Don't press me for a letter grade interpretation of this exam. 

If you are above 90:  I'm thrilled!  Great job!  Don't start thinking this is easy and ignoring it.  We will cover things that are newer to you ... and at a higher rate.  You are doing great, but stick with it if you want a high letter grade.

If you are between ~75 and 90:  You actually did fine on this exam.   You may have made a couple of  errors or maybe I zinged you with the integral in problem 5.  To me it looks like you are basically getting it.  Listen to my hints in class and take them seriously.  Work systematically thru problems and learn to make crosschecks where you can. 

If you are below ~75:  This grade, by itself, does not hurt you.   You can drop it.  I have structured the course so you have a good chance to recover without this hurting you.  Now is the time to take advantage of that.   Maybe you are basically getting it but made several mistakes, or you had a cold or whatever.  However, I want you to take a step back and look at your approach to the course.  How are you going about doing the problems?  Are you going to workshop?   Are you going prepared?  Are you understanding the problems there?  Does your workshop section not work well for you?  Do you try to do physics with the television on?  Are you memorizing equations instead of learning when/how to use them?  Do you read the text and work thru the example problems?  What can I do to help you?  I need you to think about these things and come ask me questions if it will help.  Now is the time to fix whatever you are going to fix.  The course is cumulative and begins to move at a high rate.

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